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Seal Skins

Harp Seal Skin

Please note that this current website does not have a shopping cart. To buy our Seal Skins online, please go to our e-commerce website at

We have a limited number of tanned seal skins.

Grading for Harp and Ring seal skins:
Grade A: Fine quality with little to no blemishes and no more than 2 holes. No hair loss or bare spots.
Grade B: Slightly damaged with no more than 3 holes and 4-6 bare spots. No hair loss.
Grade C: Damaged with no more than 4 holes and 6 bare spots. Some discolouration in spots and minor hair loss.
Grade D: Damaged with no more than 4 holes and 6 bare spots. Some significant hairloss, discolouration and leather can be stiff.

The harp seal skins are available in grades A to D. Harp seals are native to the northern Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.

The ring seal skins are availble in grade B only. Ring seals are native to the northern Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.

The hair seal skins are a mix of low quality stiff skins and dark supple skins. The stiff skins are mottled and may be damaged with holes, discolouration, or hair loss. The skins may be mishappened, creased, and stiff. We also have some nicer, supple skins that are a dark black color that are in irregular shapes.

Our Gxx codes denote individual skins. If you would like to order a specific one, please go to our Gallery to pick the exact one shown. 

Order Code Description Price
CR-150-40-Gxx Harp Seal Skin:Gallery See gallery items on
CR-150-60-Gxx Ring Seal Skin:Gallery See gallery items on
CR-150-50-AS Hair Seal Skin:Assorted C$100.00
CR-150-50-Gxx Hair Seal Skin:Gallery See gallery items on

Harp Seal Genus and species: Pagophilus groenlandicus. Wild. 
Ring Seal Genus and species: Pusa hispida. Wild.

Hair Seal Genus and species: Arctocephalus pusillus. Wild. Subject to CITES II controls. Not for sale to Australia.

All seal skins are for sale in Canada only. Not for export.

Harp and Ring Seal are Product of Greenland
Hair Seal is Product of Namibia


Harp Seal Skins


See the back and a size comparison with a soda can.

Ring Seal Skins


See the back and a size comparison with a soda can.

Hair Seal Skins (low quality, stiff, mottled)


See the back and a size comparison with a soda can.

Hair Seal Skins (dark, supple, irregular shapes)


See the back.